Port Charlotte Singles - Online Dating in United States - Free Dating

Free online dating site. Here are singles women and men who recently logged in or registered at this internet dating site resided in Port Charlotte of United States. To view and chat singles at Port Charlotte, please click on each profile below and send them a message. If you have not signed up yet then please click on Sign up button above.

Charlott22, 19940706, Port Charlotte, Florida, United States
Port Charlotte, Florida, United States
Living situation:
About yourself:
Very calm person
Looking for:

Looking for easy person and lovely , very calm and an honest

fragilebrutality, Port Charlotte, United States
Port Charlotte, United States
Looking for:

Seeking the unattainable at all costs. Even to the wearing of the soul. Absorbing every molecule of knowledge subconciously scratching my reflection in the mirror only to find the flame within. Searching the depths pulling out the demons lurking in the shadows of our good will. I am very opinionated but I try to remain humble in all my thoughts and ideas in life. I am outgoing, thoughtful and believe if the imagination is dead then so are we. I also believe music is the poetry of the soul and poetry the music of the soul. I love tattoos and martial arts. I also am intrigued by the unknown and am always pushing the limit. Very driven yet not ambitious for financial gain. More for the wealth of knowledge teeming around us daily. For wisdom and truth, and the realms that aren't meant to be found; I want to find them. There are no limitations to our mind or our souls. The universe is our playground. Now go play you emperors and kings alike inhale the world one breath at a time.

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